Christmas morning, Kylie blows through the baby gate that I set up and peaks into the living room (just to make sure that there are presents under the tree) then bounces down the hall into my room and whispers in my ear, "Mommy, I got a Rose Petal Cottage for Christmas". This was responded too by me with "Kylie, you knocked over the baby gate? Go back to your room and wait for Mommy and Daddy to get up."
She waited with baited anticipation. She wanted to play with that cottage. She has seen it on Jon and Kate plus 8 and she really really REALLY wanted one. Well because she decided to make some bad decisions that morning (apart from blowing through the baby gate), she didn't get to play with it until after nap time. But when she finally got in there, we lost her for about an hour as well.
This has been the hit of all the Christmas presents. Forget the Bob books, the tea set, the barbies or the babies. Forget about all that stuff (well Kaitlynn does love her baby) and you still have two very happy little girls because of this AWESOME playhouse and one very generous Grandpa.
My Dad sent a check for the girls for Christmas. So I went out and did some bargain shopping. I found this Rose Petal Cottage on Craigslist for $75. I got the cottage and the stove (which is standard when you buy it new). But I also got the sink, the nursery, play food, a baby doll, a wicker basket for the food and a blanket for the baby doll. I got a SCREAMING deal on this thing and I have to say that it's the best present. This thing is so big that I can fit inside. Jeff even said how cool this thing was when we were setting it up at 3am. It is AWESOME! I cannot say that enough. I just throw them in there and they happily play until one of them takes the others plate or pan or something and then one of them needs a time out. Everyone needs a Rose Petal Cottage! It's entertainment for girls of all ages. :)
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