So why do I do this to myself every three months? Well I do like to keep up to date on the goings on at my former high school. I like to read the section about my class and see what they are doing now. But geez when friends of mine from high school go on to be engineers, defense contractors, teachers, doctors and lawyers and I'm here being a "mostly stay at home mom" with an unemployed husband, there is some jealousy there I'm not going to lie. Not that I don't like my life most days. Having my girls is probably the most important thing that I have ever done in my life, but I still wonder... What if I finished college? What if I hadn't gotten married so young? What if I went to Carnegie Mellon? What if I went to DePaul? What would my life be like now? Maybe it this is just my quarter life crisis talking. Maybe this is just the winning drive that Punahou instills in you. I don't know. But sometimes I can't help but think that I could have been more, I could have done more.
Yes, all this from reading the stupid magazine!
"I could have done more. "
Woman!!! Let me be the first to point out that you have another 50 years at least to live your life. Those two little girls aren't always going to be so darn time-consuming and you're going to have to find something to do with your time. People these days live long enough to have more than one career. In fact, even if I were doing exactly what I wanted as a career, I'm not sure I'd WANT to do it for more than 20yrs. Take heart; you'll have a whole new identity once you're no longer mama 24hrs/day.
I know. My friend Nina and I have decided that we are currently having quarter life crises. I'm fine now that I vented but in 3 months when I get another one of those bulletins and do this to myself all over again...we shall see. :)
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