So I'm sure that it comes to no surprise to anyone who knows me that I subscribe to the daily devotional email from Joel Osteen Ministries.
Well this morning was hectic to say the least. Just like any other morning in my house. I get up and I try to get up before the girls so I can have time to have my coffee and wake up. So I can center myself through prayer for the day ahead. I'm always a much nicer and more focused person when I get that morning time to myself. But it seem no matter how early I get up, I can NEVER have that morning time to myself. It seems right as I'm making my pot of coffee, Kylie wakes up and starts pestering me. "I'm hungry." "I'm thirsty." "My sister is awake." "When is breakfast?" "What are you making for breakfast." "Ma-a-am, I said sissy is awake, are you going to come and get her?" Are you as tired as I was yet?
Well that's my morning, every morning. Would probably make the sanest person snap after telling your daughter to go back to her room for the upteeth time. "Please Kylie go back to your room, I will call you when breakfast is ready." "Kylie when I said, 'Go back to your room', I didn't mean for you to sit at the door and continue to ask me questions" "Kylie just sit on your bed and be quiet." "Kylie go back to your room, you can feed the cat later." "Kylie! Kylie! Kylie!"
Oh then it gets better. I have finally had my coffee and made breakfast. I laid it out on the table and went to "rescue" the girls from their room. I send Kylie to go and eat and I proceed to change Kaitlynn. Well she did what all lovely children in diapers do first thing in the morning. She pooped! And, boy did she poop (thank God for cloth diapers, this one would have been a disaster in disposables). Well as I'm changing her she proceeds to sway her poopy butt back and forth. I tell her to stop and she smiles at me and continues until her butt makes contact with my shirt. Poop smeared into my favorite shirt. Ai Yah! This was just the "icing" on the cake for me this morning (yeah I went there)! Oh man, just what I needed right!
So after rinsing off myself, Kaitlynn's diaper and changing my shirt, I sat down to FINALLY eat my now cold breakfast. Why is it that I never get to eat hot food? Hmmmm. Anyhow, I open up my email and there is my daily devotional from Joel Osteen Ministries and this is what it said...
May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace
2 Thessalonians 1:2, NLT
This is the same verse in NIV
Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you keep reading, it gets even better...
We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.
2 Thessalonians 1:3-4 NIV
Wow, exactly what I needed to hear this morning. Grace and Peace. Yes Lord, I need Your divine grace and peace this morning. Lord, I know I have a quick temper and I repent for that. My children are just children and they need me to be a good example for them. Please envelope me in Your divine grace and peace today so that I can become a godly example for them. An example of Your peace and love in their lives.
Boy, do I feel better!
Now if I could just find the motivation I need to clean the never ending mess in this house, all will be right with the world. I will never understand how children can be such tornadoes.
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