Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Reflections

With the whirlwind that was yesterday and the shopping frenzy that was today, I haven't really had a chance to sit and think about the last two days. But now that the girls are in bed, I have some liberty sit and think.


Thanksgiving to me is more than just "Pilgrims" and "Indians". It's an opportunity to reflect on what blessings you have received throughout the year. With the turmoil of this past year, it's hard for me to immediately think about things that I am thankful for. But even with all the emotional upheaval and the familial upset, there are things (rather big things) that I can be thankful for.

I am thankful that Jeff finally got a job after months and months of looking.

I am thankful that Jeff has been home for an entire year. I don't think that has happened since we moved here to Colorado in 2002.

I am thankful that Jeff has gotten to know his daughters better this past year. He's really starting to learn about them and all their quirks.

I am thankful that even though we had some financial hardship this past year, we still have our home. It was touch and go for a while. It was hard to find the money to keep up the payments but God has shown me that I need to humble myself in times of need and ask for help. Thank God for my father who stepped up to help us with the payments.

I am thankful that I had enough money saved to create what I hope to be a great Christmas for the girls. I even have some money left over! I didn't blow my shopping budget this year and both girls will still have plenty to open. I even managed to get Jeff some nice things and I wrapped them already so he can't peek!

I am thankful for my full belly. Even with limited funds we still had a FULL thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. Not everyone is so lucky.

I am thankful that my heat works. Our heater stopped working last year after we had a gas leak. I was worried that we would have to call someone to repair it (and we didn't have the funds to pay for that after having to replace our transmission in our ONLY vehicle). By the grace of God when we went to turn on the central heat, IT WORKED!!! Thank you Jesus! We have been toasty and warm at 65 degrees ever since. I keep it at 65, I'm cheap after all!

I am thankful that Kylie is in school. When I first tried to register her, I was told that everything was full. That we would be put on the waiting list. I still have yet to hear from district 8 but, two weeks after I put in our application for Head Start we were accepted! So shes in school and its free plus they feed her lunch. It's been such a blessing!

I am thankful for my Dad. He and I have had a rocky road. We haven't had the best relationship but God spoke to my heart and humbled me. My Dad and I have been working on our relationship for a while. Its not perfect and I don't think it ever will be but at least we are working on it. He has really stepped up to help us in times of need. It's been a true blessing to have him in our lives again.

I am thankful for my two punks. Yes, they drive me nut. Yes, they are a handful. Yes, they fight with each other all the time. But I love them. They provide an endless source of entertainment and frustration. But they are mine and hey, I can't kick them out until they are 18. :)

I am thankful for my job. Lindsey is great with her flexibility. Though at times it can be demanding. But, how many jobs will let you bring your child with you when you aren't able to afford childcare? I have truly been blessed by this job.

I am thankful for coffee. My life blood! Oh how I love you my Columbia Roast.

and finally...

I am thankful for my God. Without Him, I think I would be in the nut house. He made it possible for me to survive three deployments with my sanity intact. He has made it possible that we were able to never really lack anything during our time of financial hardship. He is my provider. He is my strength. He is my comfort. He is my defender. He is my faithful friend.

In truth I could probably go on and on about what I am thankful for. When you are in a thanksgiving frame of mind, it's hard to stop thinking about all the ways you have been blessed in the last year. It's easy to start thinking of things, no matter how small they are. A blessing doesn't have to be big in order for it to be important. All blessings are important and I think recognizing those small blessings are more important than recognizing the big ones. The big ones are the obvious blessings and are usually few compared to all the little blessings that happen everyday. I think that the real secret to being happy is to see, recognize and be thankful for all the little blessings that happen everyday. To truly see the glass half full and realize that no matter how bad things are right now, there are still things to be grateful for. Focusing on the blessings and not the curses is what gets you through the day. Hey, that was deep. I should write that on my mirror too. Feel free to quote me. I'm not that deep that often. :)

I hope that everyone had a wonderful, happy and blessed Thanksgiving and that you got to experience the fabulous turkey coma!

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