Recycling, re-purposing. Whatever you call it, this project is super easy and quick.
Not to long ago I purchased a copy of Amanda Soule's "The Creative Family." In it, she describes the idea of re-purposing clothing. Her book details how to take an adult shirt and turn it into a pair of kidlet pants. This idea of clothing re-purposing intrigued me so I started to google it and I found a ton of information. But the best one was a tutorial on how to turn a man's t-shirt into yoga pants.
I filed this tutorial on my to do list and forgot about it for a while until I was in Goodwill the other day. It was military discount day, 15% off so I figured that if I could find a plain black shirt in decent condition, I would give it a go. I found a shirt and checked out for all of $.90, went home washed the shirt and started to cut it up. Really from start to finish this project took me about 45 minutes. The extra 15 minutes were for seam ripping and restitching when I sewed a seam on the wrong side.
This is a must try! It comes together quickly and easily. And once you're done no one is going to know that your new yoga pants used to be a man's t-shirt!
I would take a picture but I'm kinda wearing the pants now and I need to shave my legs. You're welcome for the visual. :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day, Plant a Garden!
So after my long and tired rant yesterday, I thought I would spread some good cheer today with a tutorial. Now I'm not always the best at explaining how to do things, that's why I hesitated at posting tutorials before. But this project is easy, so I figured that even a dunce like me could explain it.
To celebrate earth day, my daughter and I decided to make a seed starting tray out of a recycled egg carton. Are you ready?
Recycled Egg Carton Garden
Gather your materials:

A paper egg carton with the top removed (save the top, we'll use it later)
Seed packets, here we have Marigolds, Daises, Sunflowers and Rudibeckas
Soil that has been mixed with water until it's damp
A spoon to scoop the soil
A Travel sized (ours was 1 oz) pump bottle
Step 1:

Use the spoon (we switched to a plastic one) to scoop dirt into each egg cup.
Step 2:

Add your seeds to the egg cups. The size of the seeds determined how many we added. You don't want to crowd them after all. The Rudibecka seeds were small so we added 5-6 per egg cup. The sunflower seeds were large so we added 2 per cup.
Step 3:

Add a bit more dirt on top of the seeds to cover. I told Kylie just to sprinkle some additional dirt on top. She eventually decided to use the spoon because she felt that she wasn't getting enough dirt on top just by sprinkling.
Step 4:

Water your garden. This is where I had a flash on inspiration. I filled the travel sized pump bottle with water and let her pump out some water onto her newly planted seeds. Brilliant right! This way she doesn't over water the plants. Two squirts is all you need. Sometimes I really surprise myself at how smart I can be. :)
Step 5:

Your done! This is where the top of the egg carton comes in. Place it under your newly planted seedlings to prevent too much seepage from the paper container getting on your table tops. Place in a sunny spot and let the children watch in amazement as their seeds grow.
Speaking of growing seeds. Check this out!

I just started these seeds last Friday and look! I'm so impressed with myself because normally I have an extremely brown thumb. Can I tell you the only thing I could grow before was aloe. And that's only because it's a cactus and if I forget to water it for a week or two...or three. It's not such a big deal. I can't wait until after Mother's Day! That's when they say that it's safe to plant things in the ground out here.
To celebrate earth day, my daughter and I decided to make a seed starting tray out of a recycled egg carton. Are you ready?
Recycled Egg Carton Garden
Gather your materials:

A paper egg carton with the top removed (save the top, we'll use it later)
Seed packets, here we have Marigolds, Daises, Sunflowers and Rudibeckas
Soil that has been mixed with water until it's damp
A spoon to scoop the soil
A Travel sized (ours was 1 oz) pump bottle
Step 1:

Use the spoon (we switched to a plastic one) to scoop dirt into each egg cup.
Step 2:

Add your seeds to the egg cups. The size of the seeds determined how many we added. You don't want to crowd them after all. The Rudibecka seeds were small so we added 5-6 per egg cup. The sunflower seeds were large so we added 2 per cup.
Step 3:

Add a bit more dirt on top of the seeds to cover. I told Kylie just to sprinkle some additional dirt on top. She eventually decided to use the spoon because she felt that she wasn't getting enough dirt on top just by sprinkling.
Step 4:

Water your garden. This is where I had a flash on inspiration. I filled the travel sized pump bottle with water and let her pump out some water onto her newly planted seeds. Brilliant right! This way she doesn't over water the plants. Two squirts is all you need. Sometimes I really surprise myself at how smart I can be. :)
Step 5:

Your done! This is where the top of the egg carton comes in. Place it under your newly planted seedlings to prevent too much seepage from the paper container getting on your table tops. Place in a sunny spot and let the children watch in amazement as their seeds grow.
Speaking of growing seeds. Check this out!

I just started these seeds last Friday and look! I'm so impressed with myself because normally I have an extremely brown thumb. Can I tell you the only thing I could grow before was aloe. And that's only because it's a cactus and if I forget to water it for a week or two...or three. It's not such a big deal. I can't wait until after Mother's Day! That's when they say that it's safe to plant things in the ground out here.
holiday greeting,
homemade teaching aids,
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Lending a Helping Hand or Not...
This is something I have been thinking and talking about (to Jeff) all day. When your husband puts in his ear buds and turns his head toward you and with a glazed over look says, "Ah huh." You know that you have probably talked a subject to death. But I think no matter how much I talk about it, obsess over it really, I think it will continue just to bug me.
So dear readers, I'm going to tell you a story. If you read my blog, even if I don't know you personally, please feel free to respond with your thoughts...
An old man sits on his motorized shopping cart, in a busy parking lot. He wheezes, trying to take deep breaths from his oxygen tank while struggling to put his groceries into his cherry red S.U.V. He's alone, and in obvious need of help. People walk by him, but he's not unnoticed. A young couple strolls by on their way into the store. Their eyes wander and rest on this man. They stare at him as they walk by and just as they pass him, their eyes shift focus. The doors to the store are calling. The scene repeats itself over and over. An old man struggles, people walk by noticing him but not caring. Until...
This was the scene at Walmart this morning. I noticed this man as I pulled into the parking lot. His car was parked in a handicapped stall by the main entrance. As I pulled in, I noticed that people were staring at him as they passed but at no time, did anyone ask him if he needed help. He was clearly struggling and in need of assistance. He was having a hard time pulling himself up to put his groceries into his car. I parked, got out of my car and went over to him and asked him if he needed help. He thankfully accepted. His name is Sam by the way.
I just can't understand how people can walk by someone who is in obvious need of help and not stop. It's self-centered and selfish. It's one of my biggest irks. But sadly it's the culture that we live in. If there is nothing in it for us, why do it? I just don't want to get involved. I'm in a rush. The excuses go on and on. I was in a rush this morning. Jeff was at home with Kaitlynn. He was tired and in a bad mood and had already yelled at me the day before for "taking too long". I didn't want to upset him but at the same time, I knew that helping someone was more important than irritating my husband.
But this is not the first time something like this happened. There was one occasion in particular that happened a couple of years ago that was much more dramatic.
Jeff and I were on our way home. We had been helping one of our friend's parent's unload their moving truck. As we were driving home, there was a white car rolling down a hill, backwards. The hill wasn't very steep and the car was rolling slowly. There were at least 5 cars in front of us that passed this car and did nothing. As we drove past, we noticed that there was no adult driver. There was a child about 7 years old in the drivers seat, a baby and a 2 or 3 year old. None were wearing seat belts or in car seats. I yelled at Jeff and told him to help them. He stopped the car, jumped out and ran over to the kids. I jumped into the drivers seat and drove the car into the gas station and waited for him. The kids were scared but eventually let Jeff into the car. He was able to unlock the steering wheel and pull the car into the gas station. Right as Jeff pulled the car into the gas station, a frantic mother sprinted over from the strip mall across the road. She was thankful and obviously shaken.
Can you imagine what would have happened if we had not stopped? These kids were rolling into on coming traffic. It just takes one person who is not paying attention and the outcome could have been much different. But what about the other cars who passed this trio of distressed kids? I don't know. Maybe they just didn't want to get involved, after all there was nothing in it for them.
Tomorrow is Earth Day. So how about a challenge. Instead of thinking about going green and all the things you can do to save this planet, why not focus on a smaller picture. Notice someone and care. Help someone with their groceries. Pay for the lunch of the person behind you in the drive-thru. Practice some kind of random act of kindness. Because if we don't take care of the people of this planet, why would care about trying to save it.
Okay so I'm feeling a lot preachy tonight. But this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I believe it's fundamental to help those in need in whatever way we can. I believe that it's part of the reason why we are put on this earth, to take care of each other and respect each other.
Rant over.
So dear readers, I'm going to tell you a story. If you read my blog, even if I don't know you personally, please feel free to respond with your thoughts...
An old man sits on his motorized shopping cart, in a busy parking lot. He wheezes, trying to take deep breaths from his oxygen tank while struggling to put his groceries into his cherry red S.U.V. He's alone, and in obvious need of help. People walk by him, but he's not unnoticed. A young couple strolls by on their way into the store. Their eyes wander and rest on this man. They stare at him as they walk by and just as they pass him, their eyes shift focus. The doors to the store are calling. The scene repeats itself over and over. An old man struggles, people walk by noticing him but not caring. Until...
This was the scene at Walmart this morning. I noticed this man as I pulled into the parking lot. His car was parked in a handicapped stall by the main entrance. As I pulled in, I noticed that people were staring at him as they passed but at no time, did anyone ask him if he needed help. He was clearly struggling and in need of assistance. He was having a hard time pulling himself up to put his groceries into his car. I parked, got out of my car and went over to him and asked him if he needed help. He thankfully accepted. His name is Sam by the way.
I just can't understand how people can walk by someone who is in obvious need of help and not stop. It's self-centered and selfish. It's one of my biggest irks. But sadly it's the culture that we live in. If there is nothing in it for us, why do it? I just don't want to get involved. I'm in a rush. The excuses go on and on. I was in a rush this morning. Jeff was at home with Kaitlynn. He was tired and in a bad mood and had already yelled at me the day before for "taking too long". I didn't want to upset him but at the same time, I knew that helping someone was more important than irritating my husband.
But this is not the first time something like this happened. There was one occasion in particular that happened a couple of years ago that was much more dramatic.
Jeff and I were on our way home. We had been helping one of our friend's parent's unload their moving truck. As we were driving home, there was a white car rolling down a hill, backwards. The hill wasn't very steep and the car was rolling slowly. There were at least 5 cars in front of us that passed this car and did nothing. As we drove past, we noticed that there was no adult driver. There was a child about 7 years old in the drivers seat, a baby and a 2 or 3 year old. None were wearing seat belts or in car seats. I yelled at Jeff and told him to help them. He stopped the car, jumped out and ran over to the kids. I jumped into the drivers seat and drove the car into the gas station and waited for him. The kids were scared but eventually let Jeff into the car. He was able to unlock the steering wheel and pull the car into the gas station. Right as Jeff pulled the car into the gas station, a frantic mother sprinted over from the strip mall across the road. She was thankful and obviously shaken.
Can you imagine what would have happened if we had not stopped? These kids were rolling into on coming traffic. It just takes one person who is not paying attention and the outcome could have been much different. But what about the other cars who passed this trio of distressed kids? I don't know. Maybe they just didn't want to get involved, after all there was nothing in it for them.
Tomorrow is Earth Day. So how about a challenge. Instead of thinking about going green and all the things you can do to save this planet, why not focus on a smaller picture. Notice someone and care. Help someone with their groceries. Pay for the lunch of the person behind you in the drive-thru. Practice some kind of random act of kindness. Because if we don't take care of the people of this planet, why would care about trying to save it.
Okay so I'm feeling a lot preachy tonight. But this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I believe it's fundamental to help those in need in whatever way we can. I believe that it's part of the reason why we are put on this earth, to take care of each other and respect each other.
Rant over.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Jam, From Scratch!

"Wow, look at me. I'm so awesome! I'm making jam. This is so cool. I could totally live in the 1800's. I could totally be one of those frontier wife's. I make jam. I make bread. I'm learning new ways to cook from scratch."
Then I woke up from this haze to the smell of burning sugar. My jam had overflowed and I realized that I definitely could not be a frontier wife. I like my KitchenAid mixer. I like electricity. I don't think that I could light my own stove. And forget about running water. In short, I realized that I'm not as high speed as I thought I was. But back to the jam...
This jam is so good, and so easy to make. It's a refrigerator jam, there is no pectin, no storing this on the shelf. It should last about 3 weeks in the fridge. However, I don't think it's going to stick around that long. Jeff says that he is very impressed with the way it turned out. He doesn't think I can do a lot of things...I love proving him wrong!
This jam is based off of a recipe I found in the book Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy. Her recipe calls for equal parts berries to sugar. I found that too sweet for my taste. I also added some apple cider vinegar. In my mind, the vinegar will help to preserve the jam. If it doesn't, don't burst my bubble. But it did turn out surprisingly well. Okay, so I sounded like a dork when I yelled at Jeff, "Look jam! I made jam!" Let's just say I know what people are getting for Christmas this year...
Refrigerator Jam
1 C Sugar
1.5 C Berries (I used a frozen mixed berry blend that had strawberries and blackberries in it. I defrosted the 12oz bag and added the entire contents, juice and all to the pot)
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
In a heavy bottomed 3 qt or larger saucepan, add your berries, sugar and apple cider. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat (watch it or it will boil over and you will have to scrape burnt sugar off your cook top). Once your jam has come to a boil, turn it to medium-low and simmer, stirring occasionally (or the sugars will burn) until the mixture has reduced by half. I would say that this took about 15-20 minutes.
Transfer your jam from the pot to your container and let cool. Once the mixture has cooled store in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
Friday, April 17, 2009
I Covet Thy Bread

Well I thought I would share that "coveted" bread recipe. I have just started baking bread and I find it extremely satisfying. The aroma that permeates the air when I'm baking, the feel of the dough as I shape it into loaves. The rising... Yeah not to thrilled about that. And this is a recipe that I have been working on. I'm still perfecting it. I baked two more loaves today and we'll see how they turned out tomorrow.
I have to say this about homemade bread. My 5 year old who used to absolutely REFUSE to eat the crust off of her bread, will eat the crust on this and not only does she eat the crust but she eats it first because she says it's so delicious. My bread-phobic 2 year old. Yes, she's not a fan of store bought bread (I don't think she's my kid sometimes), begs for this bread. If I'm eating some and I don't share she folds her arms in disgust and stomps away. Yes, it's that good!! So why should I keep this recipe to myself. I need to share right. So here it is...ENJOY!
Kylie's Favorite Bread
To a bowl add:
1 pkt or 1 tbsp yeast
2 tbsp sugar
1 C warm water (110-115F)
Let the yeast proof (get foamy) for 15 minutes while you prepare your other ingredients
Once the yeast is proofed add to the bowl of your mixer (I use a Kitchen Aid, I love it!):
1/2 C Sugar
1 tsp salt
1/3 C oil
1 C milk
mix to combine
Now add your flour:
2 C whole wheat
3 C all purpose
Mix to combine. Add more flour as needed (I do it a 1/4C at a time). The dough is stiff enough as soon as it pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Once this happens turn your mixer to high and "knead" for about 30 seconds and then turn the dough out into a greased bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk. I like to stick it in the microwave. That way little hands don't want to touch it. It takes about 1 hour for it to double.
Once the dough has risen, turn it out onto a floured surface and divide in half. Roll out the dough (or just flatten out into a rectangle with your hands) and then roll it up jelly roll style and pinch the ends in. Repeat for the other half and place into greased bread pans. Return to your warm spot and let rise a second time until double in bulk again. This will take about another 30-45 minutes.
Once it has risen a second time. Place in a 350 (375 if you're high altitude like me) oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or until loaves sound hollow when thumped. I find that 25 minutes is perfect.
After all that hard work, treat yourself to a warm slice smeared with butter. So good!

The finances are looking up for the moment. I filed our taxes on Wednesday. Yes I know, procrastination queen. But it looks like we'll be getting a good chunk of money back. So that takes a huge weight off of our shoulders for now. We should be good until June. I'm most definately happy about that. But in the midst of our financial crisis, a business was born. Friends started ordering the dresses that I make for my girls. I'm coming up with a website soon, so be on the lookout for that! I have two styles that I'm currently making and I'm in the process of drafting two more patterns/styles. I'm excited. It's slow going right now. Perfecting patterns is a pain but so well worth it in the end.
So big things are happening. And right now, everything is going well. Gotta love when that happens!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Da Bunny Da Bunny Oh I Love Da Bunny

Isn't he cute? His name is Cletus. I'm sure his name will change though once he is gifted to one of the lucky little girls in my house for Easter. I still have to make his brother Bob for the other little girl in my house.
But I really do think they will like him. He is based on a pattern from Lion Brand Yarn. You need to sign up for an account to access the pattern. But the accounts are free and you gain access to all kinds of free patterns. This particular pattern is called "Best Bunny". Isn't he cute?
I did make a couple alterations to the pattern however. The head and body are one piece. The pattern suggested to make the head first and then the body. The thought of sewing the body to the head just didn't thrill me so I made it all one piece by following the body pattern in reverse. Also the hands were supposed to be 6 count single crochet all the way around. I did the initial 6 count single crochet and increased it to 8 on the second row and continued that all the way up. I think they look better that way. Also I shortened the ears a bit. By then I was tired of crocheting and did 23 instead of 26 rows. I also didn't crochet a tail like the pattern suggested. I did a pom pom tail. But I think he is adorable. If you understand what I just said...more power to you. :)
He didn't take me that long to make. Maybe 1.5 - 2 hours give or take. He will make a sweet addition to any Easter basket! I hope if you are handy with an H hook, you give him a try.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Monotony of it All
I am bored. Oh so bored. Lately, my life seems like it's a never ending carousel of sameness. Nothing changes. Nothing is different. Nothing is exciting. My day is usually this:
Wake up
Get Ready
Wake up Kylie
Make Sure Kylie gets ready
Make Breakfast for Kylie
Take Kylie to school
Go to work (or come home and then make Kaitlynn breakfast and then get on Facebook while Kaitlynn plays and watches cartoons)
Pick Kylie from school. This is where the teacher usually tells me about what Kylie did wrong that day.
Come home and make Kaitlynn lunch and Kylie a snack.
Put Kaitlynn down for a nap
Wash dishes
Kaitlynn gets up and I change her diaper
Break up a fight
Play on Facebook
Break up a fight
Punish one or both of my children.
Make dinner
Shuffle the kids out of the kitchen while I make dinner
Watch TV
Tell my kids 10x that they need to stop playing with each other and go to sleep.
Watch TV while I play on Facebook
Go to bed.
Everyday, is exactly the same. Unless it's the weekend and then you can just omit taking Kylie to school and picking her up and add in a couple more "Break up a fight".
The monotony makes me nutty. We don't go anywhere or do anything. Going places (even to free events) costs money in some way because well...gas is not free. Everyday is the same. Some days there is laundry to do. Some days there is mopping and on Sundays we go to church.
My new favorite phrase lately has been "I hate my life" and you know what I do. I am sick of it being so darn boring. But right now, I don't know what I can really do to change it. There is no money to do anything. I have managed to stretch one tank of gas for about a week and a half now.
I just need some (good) excitement. Something to motivate me and give me a good swift kick in the butt. But right now, nothing excites me and I'm short tempered all the time.
Yes, I'm grateful for what I do have. I am grateful that I can still feed my family every day. That we still have a roof over our head. There are a lot of people who can't even claim that. But the sameness of it all is driving me insane.
Well, for now I'll take solace in a large marshmallow brownie and Bones. Oh David Boreanz, take me away. :)
Wake up
Get Ready
Wake up Kylie
Make Sure Kylie gets ready
Make Breakfast for Kylie
Take Kylie to school
Go to work (or come home and then make Kaitlynn breakfast and then get on Facebook while Kaitlynn plays and watches cartoons)
Pick Kylie from school. This is where the teacher usually tells me about what Kylie did wrong that day.
Come home and make Kaitlynn lunch and Kylie a snack.
Put Kaitlynn down for a nap
Wash dishes
Kaitlynn gets up and I change her diaper
Break up a fight
Play on Facebook
Break up a fight
Punish one or both of my children.
Make dinner
Shuffle the kids out of the kitchen while I make dinner
Watch TV
Tell my kids 10x that they need to stop playing with each other and go to sleep.
Watch TV while I play on Facebook
Go to bed.
Everyday, is exactly the same. Unless it's the weekend and then you can just omit taking Kylie to school and picking her up and add in a couple more "Break up a fight".
The monotony makes me nutty. We don't go anywhere or do anything. Going places (even to free events) costs money in some way because well...gas is not free. Everyday is the same. Some days there is laundry to do. Some days there is mopping and on Sundays we go to church.
My new favorite phrase lately has been "I hate my life" and you know what I do. I am sick of it being so darn boring. But right now, I don't know what I can really do to change it. There is no money to do anything. I have managed to stretch one tank of gas for about a week and a half now.
I just need some (good) excitement. Something to motivate me and give me a good swift kick in the butt. But right now, nothing excites me and I'm short tempered all the time.
Yes, I'm grateful for what I do have. I am grateful that I can still feed my family every day. That we still have a roof over our head. There are a lot of people who can't even claim that. But the sameness of it all is driving me insane.
Well, for now I'll take solace in a large marshmallow brownie and Bones. Oh David Boreanz, take me away. :)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Late Night Thoughts: What's On My Mind Now
So it's late, but I have been ignoring my blog lately. I've had a lot of things on my mind and have thus been immersing myself in Facebook frivolity and trying to think out the million and one thoughts swimming around in my head. Btw, don't join facebook, don't play bejeweled blitz or mafia wars. Facebook is evil.
There are just so many things I need to get done. Easter is two weeks away and I still have not done the girls Easter Dresses or presents. I am attempting to make this. I often have lofty ambitions so we shall see if this comes to fruition. I haven't even started putting it together, but I did buy all the fabric for it so that's a start.
I have spent all day on Facebook when there are so many other productive things I should be doing. Like cleaning the house, going through stuff in the basement, washing dishes, baking bread, I could go on. Facebook is a colossal waste of my time. But it's so distracting and that's what I need most of the time.
I am tired of having creditors call me, but until we have the money to pay them off, I guess I'll just have to deal with the phone calls.
Jeff needs to lose 5 inches off his waist before he can get back in. Oy vay! I have no idea what we are going to do until then. I guess we'll just have to figure it out.
We still have not come up with the money to pay our mortgage. This is a to be continued thing. I have to talk to my investment planner to see what the penalties are for withdrawing from my retirement account. This is something I really don't want to do but when you are stuck, you need to find a way out.
Bonus, I finally figured out what I wanted. My boss and I were having a conversation. They are following the teachings of "The Secret". Since they started just a couple of weeks ago, they have been crossing a lot of things off their dream list. They are even buying a new house, they move in Thursday. Let me tell you it was nearly impossible for them to buy a house. New lending laws and all but everything fell into place and they are moving. I am unpacking the office Friday. So that inspired me. I'm not one to follow something like "The Secret". But the bible shares many of the same teachings. So I am going to "become what you believe" (Matthew 9:29, The Message). I have yet to make a list. Maybe I'll do it here on the blog and you can follow my progress. That makes me accountable.
I want to make a new purse. I saw this pattern online. It would make a perfect Easter purse don't you think? I just have to find some kind of closure for it. I already purchased the fabric out of the remnant bin at Walmart. It's this really pretty vintage white/off white fabric. I'll post pictures "if" I ever get to it.
I need to clean and organize my sewing area. Right now it's currently occupying the entire dining room table. I would ideally like to have a dedicated sewing space but that is not an option right now. I would love to have it in my basement but alas there are no available outlets down there and it's unfinished. So this is another work in progress. I just have to figure out where best to store all of my sewing stuff where it is accessible and out of the way. Hmmm... More thoughts on this to come.
So as you can tell this is a very random to do list really. But it's what has been on my mind and what has been keeping me from posting. I start thinking about everything that I need to do and everything that's bugging me and all the topics I want to blog on and nothing gets done. Story of my life. So bear with me in the next few weeks as I work through some of my "stuff"..
Oh and look for a new blog post coming soon. I have a desire in my heart to write about being the queen of denial when it comes to pregnancy. No I'm not pregnant right now. Thank God. Knock on wood. But it's something that has been on my heart to put down in words. That will be coming soon to a blog post near you.
P.S. Oh and please forgive me for any spelling or grammar errors. It's late, I'm tired and I don't feel like proof reading. Stream of consciousness is so much better if not proof read. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)
Good night and so long!
There are just so many things I need to get done. Easter is two weeks away and I still have not done the girls Easter Dresses or presents. I am attempting to make this. I often have lofty ambitions so we shall see if this comes to fruition. I haven't even started putting it together, but I did buy all the fabric for it so that's a start.
I have spent all day on Facebook when there are so many other productive things I should be doing. Like cleaning the house, going through stuff in the basement, washing dishes, baking bread, I could go on. Facebook is a colossal waste of my time. But it's so distracting and that's what I need most of the time.
I am tired of having creditors call me, but until we have the money to pay them off, I guess I'll just have to deal with the phone calls.
Jeff needs to lose 5 inches off his waist before he can get back in. Oy vay! I have no idea what we are going to do until then. I guess we'll just have to figure it out.
We still have not come up with the money to pay our mortgage. This is a to be continued thing. I have to talk to my investment planner to see what the penalties are for withdrawing from my retirement account. This is something I really don't want to do but when you are stuck, you need to find a way out.
Bonus, I finally figured out what I wanted. My boss and I were having a conversation. They are following the teachings of "The Secret". Since they started just a couple of weeks ago, they have been crossing a lot of things off their dream list. They are even buying a new house, they move in Thursday. Let me tell you it was nearly impossible for them to buy a house. New lending laws and all but everything fell into place and they are moving. I am unpacking the office Friday. So that inspired me. I'm not one to follow something like "The Secret". But the bible shares many of the same teachings. So I am going to "become what you believe" (Matthew 9:29, The Message). I have yet to make a list. Maybe I'll do it here on the blog and you can follow my progress. That makes me accountable.
I want to make a new purse. I saw this pattern online. It would make a perfect Easter purse don't you think? I just have to find some kind of closure for it. I already purchased the fabric out of the remnant bin at Walmart. It's this really pretty vintage white/off white fabric. I'll post pictures "if" I ever get to it.
I need to clean and organize my sewing area. Right now it's currently occupying the entire dining room table. I would ideally like to have a dedicated sewing space but that is not an option right now. I would love to have it in my basement but alas there are no available outlets down there and it's unfinished. So this is another work in progress. I just have to figure out where best to store all of my sewing stuff where it is accessible and out of the way. Hmmm... More thoughts on this to come.
So as you can tell this is a very random to do list really. But it's what has been on my mind and what has been keeping me from posting. I start thinking about everything that I need to do and everything that's bugging me and all the topics I want to blog on and nothing gets done. Story of my life. So bear with me in the next few weeks as I work through some of my "stuff"..
Oh and look for a new blog post coming soon. I have a desire in my heart to write about being the queen of denial when it comes to pregnancy. No I'm not pregnant right now. Thank God. Knock on wood. But it's something that has been on my heart to put down in words. That will be coming soon to a blog post near you.
P.S. Oh and please forgive me for any spelling or grammar errors. It's late, I'm tired and I don't feel like proof reading. Stream of consciousness is so much better if not proof read. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)
Good night and so long!
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