Friday, April 17, 2009


It has been a crazy couple of weeks to say the least. I was able to get some extra hours at work. Jeff was able to help some friends move back to Colorado and they graciously paid him for his time. Easter was Sunday so I, in true Kristi fashion waited until the last minute to start making presents. In a matter of days I managed to make felt pencil rolls, easter dresses, felt eggs, treasure boxes and Cletus and Bob. The fabric dollhouses? Yeah that didn't happen as planned. I was not paying attention and thought I would be high speed and didn't read the directions. Then I got frustrated because I was an idiot and pushed that project to the side for a while. A while might be Christmas. Who knows.

The finances are looking up for the moment. I filed our taxes on Wednesday. Yes I know, procrastination queen. But it looks like we'll be getting a good chunk of money back. So that takes a huge weight off of our shoulders for now. We should be good until June. I'm most definately happy about that. But in the midst of our financial crisis, a business was born. Friends started ordering the dresses that I make for my girls. I'm coming up with a website soon, so be on the lookout for that! I have two styles that I'm currently making and I'm in the process of drafting two more patterns/styles. I'm excited. It's slow going right now. Perfecting patterns is a pain but so well worth it in the end.

So big things are happening. And right now, everything is going well. Gotta love when that happens!

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