Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How I Celebrated Veteran's Day

This morning when I got up, they were talking about Veteran's Day on the radio. They were talking about events around town and concluded by saying, "If you know someone who is serving or has served our country, just go up and give them a hug today" So, I took their advice...

Dang it, where are the smilies when you need them?!

Anywho, Jeff didn't have to work today so he was still sleeping when I got up. I decided to hug MY Veteran today. Do you see where this is going? With a smile on my face and made a running leap onto my bed but most importantly onto Jeff. He groaned, said several expletives and asked me what the expletive I did that for. I simply answered, "The radio said to hug a Veteran today so I'm hugging a Veteran."

Unfortunately he wasn't as amused as I was and pushed me off and promptly went back to sleep.


You know its funny, Kylie didn't ask me anything about Veteran's Day today. Hmmm.... She had school today and with most of the kids in her class having a parent serving in the military you think they would have talked about it, but I did pick her up early. She was "sick" after all.

I did post a great video on my other blog Colorado Springs Military Spouse Resource. Go check it out and Happy Veteran's Day!

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